
Evernote logo square
Evernote logo square

That said, there are many ineffective logos that follow these rules. But what makes a great logo? And how can you make one that not only stands out, but also cultivates a loyal following?Įxperts note there are at least three necessary traits: It must be distinct from other logos (especially those of competitors), instantly recognizable (imagine it on a neon sign in Times Square) and legible at all sizes (from billboards to mobile devices). In both cases, the organizations buckled under public scrutiny and reverted to their original designs.Ĭlearly we care about logos. More recently, the University of California introduced a logo that represented a stylistic shift from the previous traditional look the gradient effect on the C quickly became the focus of criticism, even motivating several online petitions calling for a repeal. In a much-publicized case a couple of years ago, Gap unveiled a new logo that was widely maligned. While we may not always consciously recognize their importance, when a change is made to the logo of a brand we love, collective protest is often the result. Thousands of logos compete for our attention every day.

Evernote logo square